Health Benefits Of Going To The Beach

It’s finally summer, and that means it’s time to pack your beach bags!

There is nothing quite like a sunny day at the beach to lift your spirits and to make you appreciate Mother Nature and all of her wonders.

1. It’s good for your joints and skin

There’s nothing more therapeutic for your joints and muscles than a soak in salt water. The ocean heals little nicks, cuts, and scrapes, and if you take a minute to exfoliate with a little sand, your skin will be grateful for days. (Just remember to reapply sunscreen after time in the salt water and sand.)

2. You can take a walk

A walk can be even better than a run when it comes to clearing the mind. I find there’s nothing more cathartic than a long walk on the beach (versus walking in the city, which can trigger emotions worse than road rage). It doesn’t have to be fast, and it definitely doesn’t require a watch, a Fitbit, or any kind of app. Unplug. Walks on the beach are kind of perfect any way you do them—with your kids, your partner, or alone. There’s no goal, no rush, no race, no place to be. Relax and find some seashells along the way.  

3. It’s easy to do a body check

We know we should all be doing body checks, but many of us pass over our bods when our minds are overcome with the thought of only having five minutes to hop in the shower, shave, and blow dry our hair,  all before getting the kids to school. As you put on your sunblock, start with your face and work your way down your body, taking time to pay attention to your skin and looking for anything you might not otherwise notice. It’s a good practice to get in the habit of doing more regularly.

4. Getting Rid Of Stress

There’s a reason that the beach is the a place where people just lay down and do nothing. The splash of the waves, ocean-breeze, and beating sun all combine to make it a serene, relaxing destination. Considering that anxiety and stress are bad for your heart, we recommend making your way out to The Sanctuary Beach Resort for some beachfront therapy.

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